
我们很高兴你能住在校园里,我们迫不及待地想让你开始生活. 2024年秋季入学学生的住房申请将于3月中旬开始. 一旦申请和抽签程序开始,您将通过电子邮件收到通知. Please see our 资源 and FAQs as you prepare for 生活 on the HSU campus.

As partners enacting the mission of Hardin-Simmons大学, 住宿生活致力于通过澳门皇冠赌场平台为学生提供学习体验. We cultivate a Christ-centered, 多样化的, and transformative 生活-learning environment, 发展一个完整的人,使他们的能力不断增长,成为社区负责任的参与者, faithful citizens of God’s Kingdom, and agents of change in the world. 我们通过一个充满活力的住宿项目来实现这一目标,我们有意将我们的学生与上帝和彼此联系起来.


  • Residents will learn to actively seek out connections, engaging other students on their floors, 在学生宿舍, and across the HSU community as a whole.
  • Residents will learn to view their environment in a holistic way.


  • Residents will take ownership of their 生活 areas and campus environment.
  • 居民将了解澳门皇冠赌场平台独特的文化和历史,并将校园视为自己的家.


  • 在HSU期间,居民将开发与他人健康互动的工具和策略.
  • 居民们将探索其他的观点,并与修复的想法相冲突.


  • 学生们将探讨跟随基督的意义,以及如何按照祂的呼召生活.

身份 & 目标发展

  • Residents will gain a better understanding of who they are, 他们想成为什么样的人, and develop action steps toward those goals.
  • Residents will grow in their ability to critically think about situations; problem solving more effectively and reframing challenging situations for future success.

Cultivating Diverse Perspectives

  • Residents will learn to see the value in themselves and others, treating all people with dignity and respect.
  • 居民将学习、体验和欣赏不同的文化习俗.


点击这里 查看我们的帮助列表,您可以携带和不可以携带哪些物品来布置您的澳门皇冠赌场平台空间.

衣服: 在校园的每个宿舍和大学公寓都有方便的洗衣设施. All machines are operated using Cowboy Cash.

无线网络: Students are encouraged to sign up for a FREE account with MyResNet. Once you have completed the signup process, you will be able to connect up to 4 devices to this high-speed network. This network covers every residence hall, the Moody Center, and the Rupert N. 理查森图书馆. If students wish to connect more than 4 devices, there are upgrades available. If you have any issues connecting, please contact 1-855-643-2150.

徐州市邮政局: All campus residents are provided with a campus HSU Box. The 徐州市邮政局 (located in the Moody Center) is open from 8 a.m. 到5点.m. each weekday, providing many US Postal Service needs. HSU邮局处理所有寄给校园学生的包裹的收据. Those packages are held for students and can be picked up during their open hours.

许警察当前位置澳门皇冠赌场平台警察局拥有7名获得tclese认证的全职警务人员. In addition to providing 24-hour campus security, HSUPD为大学和周边社区提供其他几项重要服务. You can pick up your HSU parking ticket and register valuables (自行车, 游戏控制台, 笔记本电脑, 等.) in their headquarters in the Moody Center basement B03.

健身中心 -健身中心为所有学生提供高质量的健身体验, 教师, and staff without any additional charges! 健身中心提供多种选择的有氧运动,阻力和力量训练. 利用我们的自由力量, 椭圆星系, 跑步机, 自行车, 机器重量, and other amenities to enhance your workout.

许书店: Our campus bookstore is a one-stop-shop for far more than just textbooks. Whether you need to pick up a Scantron and pencil on your way to a mid-term test, or want to grab some HSU gear to sport around campus, you can find it the bookstore located in Moody Center next to the 邮局.

按需供应: The “POD” is a great place to grab a meal on-the-go! Conveniently located in the middle of Moody Center, you can find quick meals or a light snack to tide you over in between classes. Cowboy Cash is also accepted here.

有线电视服务: Cable service is offered in each Residence Hall Commons. 这些公共区域都配备了最新的科技,以提供优质的娱乐和吸引人的体验. Come enjoy the space and hang out with your friends!

家具: Every room in the Residence Halls and UP Apartments comes completely furnished. All university items in the room (mattress, desk chair, 等.) must stay in the room throughout the year. They can’t be taken home or stored elsewhere in the building.

管家: 弗格森和贝伦斯大厅的所有社区(大厅)浴室都由HSU家政人员定期清洁. Students are responsible for keeping their own rooms and suite bathrooms clean. 每月检查房间,以确保每个宿舍房间的健康和安全.

房间维修: This form allows HSU Campus Residents to submit routine maintenance workorders. If you need to report a maintenance emergency (i.e. pipe burst, flood, unsafe conditions, 等.)请联系HSU警方@ 325-670-1911,他们将24/7处理紧急情况.

计算机实验室: 如果你没有个人电脑,校园里有几个可用的计算机实验室. Those labs are located on the 2nd floor of Moody Center, the Johnson Building 1st floor, 和理查森图书馆.


Students who live on campus at HSU have higher grades, 更快的毕业率, 并且通过校园经历与其他学生和教师建立了更多的联系. 作为一个住宿校园, HSU wants all students to thrive both in and out of the classroom all four years. 我们坚信,由居住生活人员领导的充满活力的社区中建立的关系将使学生能够在信仰之间建立联系, 生活, and learning within a 多样化的 community. 有了这个理念, 哈佛州立大学的政策是,所有学时超过六个学时的本科生都必须住校.

为了有资格住在校内宿舍,你必须是全日制或非全日制本科生或研究生. 全日制或非全日制学生每学期必须至少选修6个本科/研究生课程.


  • Traditional Undergraduate Housing is located in Residence Halls, 狼的公寓, and 大学广场公寓.
  • Graduate Housing is located in the University-Owned Houses, 狼的公寓, and 大学广场公寓.
  • Family Housing is located in the University-Owned Houses.


  1. 学生与异性合法结婚,并可提交结婚证.
  2. 学生是阿比林地区的居民,在申请HSU时与父母住在一起,并希望继续住在父母家中. (请注意:阿比林地区被认为是在25分钟的通勤到HSU校园通过谷歌地图.)
  3. 秋季入学学生8月1日前满21周岁,春季入学学生1月1日前满21周岁.
  4. 如果学生未满21岁,他们必须完成4个学期的大学居住.

Housing prices for all residence halls, University Place and 狼的公寓, and University-Owned Houses can be found on our 学费 & 费用页面. Please note: Prices are subject to change.

大学政策规定,所有住在宿舍的居民都必须有膳食计划. 参见成本信息 在这里 有关膳食计划的其他问题,请联系HSU商务办公室325-670-1001.

Residents can find the most up-to-date calendar information on our 大学活动日历. 运动员和学生领袖可能比新生和返校学生早到. Athletes should check with the Athletic Department for exact dates and times, while student leaders are encouraged to check with their supervisors.

所有的大学住宿选择在大多数假期都是开放的,除了在延长的圣诞节假期的宿舍. 每年秋天,居民可以通过圣诞节住房申请程序申请在部分或全部假期期间留在住房中.

In order to whip together your favorite home-cooked meal, full kitchen facilities (shared stove, 烤箱, 冰箱, and microwave) are provided in each residence hall. Residents are responsible for their own kitchen supplies.